La fin du calvaire pour les EHS

Les personnes dites Electro Hypersensibles (EHS) ou intolérentes aux ondes, en souffrent consciement alors que le reste de la population ignore encore qu'elle en souffre.

Procure calme

Vivez chaque instant avec calme et envisager l’avenir avec sérénité.

Apaise le stress

Terminé le stress qui vous ronge de l’intérieur.

Réduit l'anxiété et la douleur

Dites stop à l’anxiété et réduisez de façon considérable vos diverses douleurs.

Les ondes électromagnétiques et votre santé.

Aujourd’hui la dangerosité des ondes électromagnétiques est démontrée et reconnue officiellement. Ces ondes électromagnétiques générées par les nouvelles technologies sans fil sont invisibles, inaudibles et inodores. Elles dérèglent l’ensemble de notre organisme causant des dysfonctionnements, des troubles et de nombreuses pathologies*. La technologie 5G vient fortement amplifier ce phénomène, il est donc devenu impératif de se protéger de ces ondes nocives qui impactent notre santé au quotidien. La bonne nouvelle, il existe une solution préservant votre personne, votre famille, votre habitat, votre environnement. Elle est déjà appelée la médecine de demain : LES ONDES SCALAIRES, POSITIVES POUR LE VIVANT qui sont générées par l’ensemble des dispositifs MOM®

La fin du calvaire pour les EHS

Les personnes dites Electro Hypersensibles (EHS) ou intolérentes aux ondes, en souffrent consciement alors que le reste de la population ignore encore qu'elle en souffre.

Procure calme

Vivez chaque instant avec calme et envisager l’avenir avec sérénité.

Apaise le stress

Terminé le stress qui vous ronge de l’intérieur.

Réduit l'anxiété et la douleur

Dites stop à l’anxiété et réduisez de façon considérable vos diverses douleurs.

Electromagnetic waves and your health.

Today, the danger of electromagnetic waves has been demonstrated and officially recognised.

These electromagnetic waves generated by new wireless technologies are invisible, inaudible and odourless. They disturb the whole of our organism causing dysfunctions, disorders and numerous pathologies*. 5G* technology has greatly amplified this phenomenon, so it has become imperative to protect ourselves from these harmful waves that impact our daily health.

The good news is that there is a solution that protects you, your family, your home and your environment. It is already called the medicine of tomorrow: THE SCALAR WAVES, POSITIVE FOR THE LIVING which are generated by all MOM® devices.

The end of the ordeal for EHS

The so-called ElectroHyperSensitive (EHS) people or wave intolerant people, suffer consciously while the rest of the population is still unaware that they suffer from it.

Provide calm

Live each moment with calm and look forward to the future with serenity.

Eases stress

No more stress that eats away at you from the inside.

Reduces anxiety and pain

Say goodbye to anxiety and significantly reduce your various pains.

The origin of the waves

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the devices that surround us on a daily basis without us really being aware (or too often forgetting) that they generate artificial electromagnetic waves* and are therefore harmful to our health :

  • mobile phone
  • fixed wireless phone
  • microwave oven / ceramic hob (induction or not)
  • WLAN / internet box
  • GPS navigation
  • power lines
  • TV / computer monitor / radio
  • all antennas / especially 4G / 5G base stations
  • all connected, remote-controlled, radio-controlled devices, etc.

The symptoms

The effect of electromagnetic waves on living beings has been established. The resulting pathologies on humans are very varied; they manifest themselves in different forms depending on each individual. Here are the main ones:

  • chronic fatigue
  • headaches
  • insomnia (caused by the collapse of melatonin production)
  • attention problems
  • memory problems
  • tinnitus
  • muscle pain
  • hypersensitivity
  • irritability
  • heavy pathologies*, etc…

Children and adolescents

The exposure of our children from an early age to electromagnetic waves implies a significant increase in disorders, namely :

  • behaviour
  • cognitive functions
  • hyperactivity
  • autism
  • etc…

It is very important to realise that a developing child or adolescent brain is even more vulnerable to these harmful waves*. Indeed, these waves penetrate more deeply and with greater intensity into the brain of a child or adolescent. It is essential to protect them.

Effects of waves on the blood

In order to demonstrate the beneficial effects of the mom® devices, tests were carried out in Germany at a medical analysis office that has a darkfield microscope. The darkfield microscope is equipped with a camera and allows the capture of images. It is widely used in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. It allows the detection of all kinds of abnormalities in the blood, which are the source of pathologies and are not comparable to a classic blood test.

The result is clear. The blood is strongly disturbed during a phone call*.

In order to test the effects of the mom®1 energy pendant, several blood samples were taken with and without the device on a person’s mobile phone for 3 minutes to see the impact of the device on his blood. When wearing the mom®1 medallion, the quality of his blood was significantly improved.

Scalar waves: the SOLUTION to protect yourself, but not only...

The mom®* solutions transform vertically polarized electromagnetic waves (harmful waves) into horizontally polarized waves (beneficial waves) by tilting the polarization plane at 90°. This tilting will create a superposition of converging concentric waves and diverging concentric waves on the horizontal plane which, at their meeting points by superposition, will generate scalar waves. A scalar wave is therefore the product of the superposition of a convergent wave and a divergent counter-wave of the same frequency and energy. These scalar waves are very beneficial* for living beings (human, animal*, plant).

It has therefore become possible today to transform harmful electromagnetic waves into positive waves for your health!

What are the benefits of scalar waves?

The beneficial effects* of scalar waves are limitless on our body, among others, they :

  • are catalysts to increase our immune function
  • are very effective in the field of prevention and well-being
  • are real allies for sportsmen and women*, acting as a natural doping agent
  • accelerate healing and the reconstitution of tissues
  • activate cell regeneration*
  • reduce stress and anxiety
  • protect the occupants of hybrid and electric cars*
  • are used for the survival of bees*
  • reinforce the action of energy and natural therapy treatments*
  • and much more…

Proven results

The best solution

Made in France

French quality and know-how


Certified and recommended by Hadolife, the water laboratory created by Masaru Emoto and Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen


Tested and approved on the basis of the work of Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla, using an intuitive and scientific approach.


Discover our solutions

MOM®1 - Energy pendant

Our pendant transforms electromagnetic waves into beneficial waves (mobile phone, DECT, wifi, 5G technology...).

MOM®3 - Mains corrector

A home electrical network corrector designed to clean up the home. It protects your home from harmful electromagnetic waves.

MOM®6 - Energy pendant

The mom® technology in a mini-cube shaped pendant and in relief for a higher scalar wave penetration capacity.

MOM®11 - Beverage Scaler

The scaler annihilates the harmful components present in all forms of beverages (water, juice, herbal tea, tea, coffee, wine etc.).

MOM®Cube - Environmental corrector

The Environmental Corrector protects your home from harmful waves. It promotes serenity in a Feng Shui atmosphere conducive to healing.

MOM® - Energy cushion

It adapts to all your activities to protect you from harmful waves, soothe your tissues, rebalance your energy and amplify your meditation practice thanks to the scalar waves.

MOM®108 - Energy mattress

This mom® scalar wave energy mattress balances energies, soothes and vitalizes.

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